Homeschooling for Beginners
- Having much more free time for art and music which have been cut from many schools.
- Get up and move when you want. Random Dancing!!
- Wiz through subjects that are easy and to spend more time on subjects that are difficult.
- Going to the bathroom when you want. That is actually one of my favorite things about homeschooling
- Eating when you want
- Ice cream truck/Mini-Van...
- Graduating Early
- We have our own theme song!! Check out the bottom of the page for the link!
Here are the 3 things you need to know to start off homeschooling.
1. Don't copy what they did in Public School. There is probably a good reason you are homeschooling...
3. Supplies These are objects that will make homeschooling more fun. I also recommend getting a Yoga ball for your child's seat. This allows us to gently bounce and work at the same time! You don't NEED these items but 1,3,4 and 10 in This *Click* post of my blog.
Worried about cost?
Homeschool Classifieds has used curriculum for CHEAP
Worried about what to choose?
I heard this is amazing. I am starting this next year!! I am SUPER excited! It is Christian Based.
This is an online secular curriculum that helps kids catch up. If your kids are behind this is proven to help out. I have heard it is really good but haven't tried it due to my longing for christian based curriculum.
Christian Liberty Press
This is the best curriculum of all time. I used this since I was a kid. It is perfect for ALL learning types.
Christian Liberty Press
This is the best curriculum of all time. I used this since I was a kid. It is perfect for ALL learning types.
This is like the bible of homeschooling. Any question you have on homeschooling is answered on this site.
Khan Academy
I am convinced this website could teach your child rocket science and Brain surgery. They have so many fun programs that teach ALL subjects. I did computer programming and it rocked. The Math section is the best though. They have a creative way to teach numbers-Super Calculus(haha) These are the courses...
Economics and finance
Test prep
Tebow Law
This law allows homeschoolers to do sports and activities through public school! I am going to rejoin Orchestra!
Good Idea
This is a good way to increase brain function during the day. I personally looked forward to doing this everyday. I don't do it anymore, but when I did it was like a surprise every morning! It was free too!
Homeschool Family
This is our theme song Brought to you by: Tim Hawkins!
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