March 5, 2014

Homeschooler Stereo Type

What are some things homeschoolers need that public school kids have? Most people would say social lives. I agree, sometimes it is hard to meet cool homeschoolers. Where do you find homeschoolers anyway? Google Meet-Ups has homeschooling groups. Team Sports("Mama Dixon's" idea) is another way to become a Social Butterfly or just to have fun and grow great relationships that will last forever. You can see them at homeschooling conventions and exchange phone numbers. I personally have never been to one, but I hear they are great. Also, talk to your library about starting a book club for homeschoolers. Have them post fliers! Their are lots of ways to not fulfill the socially awkward homeschooler stereo type.


Unknown said...

Another great way for homeschoolers to make friends is through playing team sports. My kids love being part of a team and making new friends along the way. Great post, Kayla!

Unknown said...

Wow! I never thought of that! Great idea!!:) I am totally adding that to the list! Thank you very much!