Hey everybody! I found this amazing post on "
Secrets of the Fed" if you want to look at it yourself. For your convenience I am going to paste the post here so you don't have to go on the site.
“ A man’s judgement is only as good as his information“
Dr. Stuart Crane
What is Homeschooling? Homeschooling is teaching your own children at home, as it was done before the state took over schools. I will explain:
- Dozens of reasons why you should homeschool.
- How you can do a much better job than school teachers, no matter what your level of education, so long as you can read. All you have to do is what teachers do – buy books that have a year’s curriculum (program) in them, and do what it says.
- Why it is more affordable than you may think.
This information is not meant to insult or belittle any teacher or parent, but the buck stops here. If the quality of our lives is to improve, we need to do things very differently.
The fact is that through sophisticated propaganda techniques, parents and teachers worldwide have been convinced that scientifically designed, government mandated and controlled schools are “better” for children. That is an error. Parents continue to make “bad” judgments based on “bad” information (propaganda). The important question is, once you have new information, what will you do?
I did not have the luxury of home schooling. It is not a refelection on my parents because I did not have that advantage. Instead, at 11 years old I went to a private Catholic Boarding High School for ladies, in Sydney, Australia. However, I now know that homeschooling is vastly better for improving the quality of life in all aspects, than even expensive private schools.
Reasons to homeschool:
If you don’t believe me, read “
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” (now free online). This was written by Charlotte Iserbyt, who served as
Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first
Reagan Administration.
Most schools teach sight reading instead of sounding out (called phonics). This is why children cannot read past third grade. Basically, if you can’t sound out a word, you can’t read. Once a child can sound out a word they can:
- Look up any word in a dictionary.
- Read any one’s name or any street sign.
Learn new technology.
Here is totally shocking evidence that schools are deliberately told to stop children from learning to read, that was posted by a parent on a forum. A school sent these notes out to all parents:
Teaching a child to read is a remarkably easy process, that can be done in a matter of months, if you do it step by step, for about 10-15 minutes a day. Don’t do more than that so your child does not get tired of it.
Here are just about the only things you need to teach them to teach them to read:
- Read lots of books to them, preferably from the time they are born. Enunciate words slowly and clearly.
- The alphabet. When they are about three or older, teach them the alphabet. Say each letter twice. The first time you say the letter, say the normal way the letter is said to someone. The second time you say the letter, give the “sounding it out” sound. Don’t move on until this is mastered. Read lots of alphabet books. eg Say “A ” (ay) “a” (as in cat), “B” (bee) – “b” (buh), “C” (see) – “c” (kuh), D “dee” – “d” (duh), “F” (eff) – “f” (fff) etc. Hang up a chart with the alphabet around the house.
- How we have a capital letter at the start of a sentence, and either a perid (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!) at the end.
- The sounds for “th”, “sh”, “ch”, “ph”, ck, “gh” (as in enough, when at end of words).
- Some sounds are silent. eg know, gnaw, lamb, write.
- Long vowels. (The library has books about long and short vowels. Get them)
- When to use the long vowel sound (when an “e” is at the end of a word, and for the various vowel groups such as oa (road), ee (tree), ea (leaf), ie (relief).
- There are a few words where the letters have a weird sound, like “e” in “the”.
It is called “fuzzy math” – but it is much worse than plain fuzzy. This is why employers now have
difficulty finding even manual workers, because they cannot do even basic math problems, called “shop math”.
For example, some schools teach what is called Everyday Mathematics. They do not even teach the multiplication tables! Instead, they teach a weird method of doing multiplication on the hands, which I don’t even understand.
Another method is some kind of box method to do multiplication. Here is one comment that was posted on a forum, by a parent, about this box method:
“He’s in 4th grade. But he tells me it’s easier. Like for example if he has to do 74×3 he will put 70 in one box and 4 in the other. but you still have to get over the hump of 7×3 you know? I had him do one in a box method it took him 10 minutes to do one problem, then I had him do it the traditional way, the way you and I were taught, he had it done in less than a minute”.
It gets worse. The following was posted on a forum during a discussion about homeschooling:
“My grand daughter is in 6th grade in a Florida public school. She is given math work sheets to bring home and complete for homework. Quite often the math questions do not make any sense. The whole family, grandparent, aunts, uncles and older cousins, will try to come up with an answer. Sometimes there is no logical answer.
Her parents went to the school to discuss the problem with the teacher. They were armed with the latest idiotic math question. They asked the teacher what her answer booklet said was the correct answer. Her response was mind blowing to put it mildly.
The teacher does not have an answer booklet, in fact she does not grade the work sheets at all. She collects them and sends them to an outside company for grading. This outside company e-mails the grade scores for each student. The final grade is determined on how many work sheets are turned in. The right or wrong answers are irrelevant. No one checks the student’s work. They only count the number of work sheets.”
I will point out the obvious: Children who do not have math corrected, do not learn any math at all. And it must be hell for them to sit through a class. The following appauling story was posted on a forum discussing the failure of schools to teach anything. It gives you an idea of who successful the
Deliberate Dumbing down of America has been:
“Ordered a combo plate (4.50) and a drink (1.00) from a food vender during a local event. Gave the young lady (18ish) a $20 bill. She looks at her friend, clueless as how to proceed. Her friend begins frantically looking for a calculator…
So I politely tell them it’s $5.50 total and the change should be $14.50.
After consulting each other to make sure I wasn’t trying to rip them off they both agreed that “sounded right”. They then gave me my change. $14.25
Didn’t even bother point out that too was wrong, it would have made one of them cry.”
Garbage in = garbage out.
This is done so that big corporations can make billions of dollars. A growing brain grows from what it eats. If it does not get enough nutrients, it will not function properly. Plus, you want your child to be beautiful, not obese. See the great DVD “Supersize me”. If your child is at home, you can control what they eat and drink.
Generally, homeschoolers are at least one year ahead academically. Now that you can earn degrees online, they can even earn a degree while others are just graduating.
Generally, homeschoolers are an unbelievable seven years ahead of public school children in reasoning skills.
What is the aim of the Public School system? The Public School system was created a hundred years ago with the aim of producing workers and soldiers. You could probably add to that “consumers” as well these days.
When you homeschool you and your child can set your own goals as to what you want to achieve in life. Your goals can be to create happy, healthy, wealthy, spiritual, capable men and women who are able to think for themselves, are financially independent and able to work on making the world a better place for everyone.
The great inventor and visionary
Buckminster Fuller talked about how there are lags in different industries. Lag is the time from when an idea is conceived to when it is installed. The lag in the computer industry is only about a few days. In the building industry it’s around 30 years. In the education industry, it’s about 80 years! Many public school children don’t care about school work because they are smart enough to know that 95% of what they are learning will not have any practical application in the real world.
What good things did you learn at school that you still use? For most people, it’s just reading and basic maths. Add a bit of science and maybe a couple of other things that you could have learned from reading a few books. A lot of school is about babysitting. (Sitting on the bus, roll call, moving to new rooms, handing out material, collecting material, waiting for other children to answer questions you already know, waiting your turn to have your question answered, doing work you don’t need to do any longer, doing work that was never really useful in the first place).
What better things could you have spent during all that time? When a child is homeschooled, learning never stops, provided you leave materials in the house that can teach him.
What bad things did you learn? For me, I learned that there was something wrong with me. Otherwise, why didn’t everyone like me? I didn’t really get over this problem until senior high school. And it continued to show up in subconscious ways in relationships later, so that I didn’t finally get a happy, balanced life with a wonderful marriage and control of money until my early 30s when I spent thousands of dollars and many hours in different seminars and therapies such as
I also learned about other things that I should not have – like alcohol. I now never drink alcohol at all – it’s a drug which poisons the body. That includes red wine – if you want the benefits of red wine without the alcohol, try eating lots of raw red grapes.
Money and business are virtually never mentioned in school. And yet, understanding these are crucial to surviving, and to becoming successul in life. In a business, money comes in and money goes out. So every person is a business.
I was in the top 10% of my school, which was a well respected private school in Sydney Australia. However, I struggled through life for many, many years after school, even though I gained a Bachelor of Science degree from Sydney University, because no one at any time taught me about the realities of money, finances and survival. It wasn’t until I did some seminars with Robert Kiyosaki that I began to learn something about money and what I needed to do to get out of the rut I was in.
When you homeschool, you have plenty of time to include all kinds of education in subjects like money and business. I highly recommend the brilliant book, If You Want to Be Rich & Happy Don’t Go to School: Ensuring Lifetime Security for Yourself and Your Children, which goes into this subject a whole lot more than I can here in this article.
I cannot more highly recommend “Mary Pride’s Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling”. In that book she explains how generally homeschoolers are at least one academic year ahead of public school educated children. Often more than that. And when it comes to reasoning skills, homeschoolers are generally an unbelievable seven years ahead!
Almost the only reason left to public schoolers to promote their cause is that children need school for “social development”. In fact, the reverse is the case. Children learn best from adults, who love them. Not from children their own age who know as little as they do. In addition, children find it very easy to pick up bad habits from other children who didn’t have parents that are as good as you are. Let alone other children who are drug dealers.
This goes for manners and communication, as well as learning. Public school is an artificial reality that has little resemblance to the real world. It is the only time when children are surrounded only by children their own age. I think that many children experience the same thing that I did when they leave school – a feeling of loss of no longer being able to live in an artificial bubble. In the real world, people are continually surrounded by other people of all ages.
Homeschooling Grows Up is the largest research survey to date of adults who were home educated. Over the last decade, researchers, professionals, parents, the media, and many others have asked repeatedly: How do homeschooled students turn out? Can a homeschool graduate get into college or get a job? How do they fit into society? Are they good citizens? Are they happy? In 2003, HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) commissioned Dr. Brian D. Ray, president of the National Home Education Research Institute, to conduct a study to answer these questions. The results of his research demonstrate that
homeschoolers are succeeding.
One thing that homeschooling teaches that group schooling does not, is how to be self reliant and happy when on your own. This is a useful skill to have, since these days I know a lot of people who are so busy working, they no longer see their old school ‘friends’, even if they live close by. It’s worse if you move away. I remember how it took me years to adjust to being on my own and working for a living after 12 years of always having so many people around me, and – WHAM – the last day of school comes and everyone scatters and you never see most of them ever again.
One of the most important parts of being socially adept is having a strong self esteem. Nothing builds a better strong esteem in a person than spending the first seven years of their life 24 hours a day with their mother. This builds strong feelings of love and safety. The lack of mother’s presence does the opposite. So the more of the early years that a child is homeschooled, the better.
Studies have shown that toddlers go into stress when their mother just leaves the room! (I’m sorry, I read this somewhere and can’t find a reference for this. If someone can send me a reference, I would be very grateful). That makes sense because nature programmed mother and baby primates to depend on their mother for survival. Stress is the greatest block to learning because it scrambles the brain. Love strengthens the brain and if a mother is not present with a child, she is communicating lack of love.
At school, many children either don’t ask questions, or don’t answer them, for peer pressure for fear of being wrong or being ridiculed and because there isn’t enough time for 30 children to ask all the questions they have. How can anyone learn if they can’t or don’t ask all the questions they want to? The best way to learn is to ask questions. Children who are homeschooled grow up with a good ability to ask questions, and with no fear of doing it.
And there is another side to this subject. At school, I loved asking questions! Because I was so good at getting the ‘right’ answer! And did that help me in later life? Quite the opposite! Because the right answers at school don’t have much application to the real world. I had to unlearn much of what I learned at school, and learn to question everything.
For example, if you asked a lot of people, what should you do when you are sick or have a body pain, the “right” answer would be to go to the doctor. Doctors are people who were very good at school in knowing the “right” answers. So they ended up getting selected for medical school and continued to learn more of the “right” answers – to ‘cure’ people with drugs or by cutting off body parts that didn’t work. The drug and medical research companies love this system because they make 2.2 trillion dollars a year doing it, in the USA. (This is from the excellent documentary
Forks Over Knives
). But once you learn to question the system, rather than just look for the “right” answer, a person gets to start to learn about natural health and the power of natural health therapies such as
kinesiology and muscle testing , which help the body to heal without hurting it.
Children who are homeschooled learn to not only ask questions, but their mind is free to roam to eplore many new possibiliites in all kinds of subjects. Here is a great article that talks
more about this.
In her book, Mary Pride reports that (as of 2008), 2 million children are being homeschooled. That’s 4% of the population of children from Kindergarten to Year 12. That’s the same as all the children in the schools in ten of the smaller states! And this percentage grows every year at a rate of about 7%.
Most people will be introduced to drugs through school, or through ‘friends’ they met at school. Children at private schools can be more likely to be introduced to drugs, because they have more money.
From The National Center On Addiction And Substance Abuse at Columbia University. The Califano Report:
- 1,360,000 are America are prisoners because of drugs.
- 1.7 million Americans are incarcerated in prisons or jails, more per capita than any other nation.
- Nearly 80% of all prisoners in America are for drug related offenses.
- Ten million people have been arrested for marijuana since 1965.
A woman I met told me that at the local high school in NE Florida, any child who does not do some kind of drug or alcohol “would not be considered normal”.
If you homeschool, you have vastly more control over what people your child spends time with.
“Be with wise men and become wise. Be with evil men and become evil.” Proverbs 13:20. People become like the people they hang out with. This can be an unconscious, as well as a conscious thing – like the way that people pick up the accents of those around them.
If your child goes to school, he will be daily spending time with the children of people who are lazy, immoral, liars, unloving, stupid, drug or alcohol users, unhealthy and maybe even evil. If your children are homeschooled, they will be spending most of their time with you, and people that you approve of.
A survey mentioned in Mary Pride’s book found that 4/10 children feared violence at elementary school. Even if it is not physical violence, there is another kind of violence – the violence of taunts and hurts which hurt the soul. This is especially true in the early years, up to about 10 years old, while the child is growing in the love and self esteem and spiritual strength that you should be providing them.
You choose the curriculum. Or mix and match as you like. Or make up your own. You don’t have to teach canned garbage written by someone who is probably not as smart as you.
There are an alarming number of teachers who can’t pass basic competency tests. Teachers are not experts. They follow the text books just like you can do – only you can choose much better text books.
The net is continually reporting stories of children getting into all kind of trouble just for praying.
Children learn everything, from facts to manners to how to think, from adults. In school there is one teacher and maybe 30 students. So they will ‘learn’ at least as much from the other students as they do from the teacher. How can people with no knowledge pass on knowledge? They can’t – except for things you don’t want your child to learn.
Life is about survival. Those who survive better have more pleasure, and those who don’t survive as well have more pain.While your children are at home they will learn things that will help them with survival including -
- How to do real work, like tidying and cleaning. Not sitting around staring out of the window.
- How to prepare food and cook, so they stay strong, healthy and smart and can save money looking after themselves.
- How to explore new subjects in the multitude of things which aren’t even mentoned in school, such as -
- Manufacturing, especially heavy industry (where the real money is).
- International business.
- Advanced science (eg studying Nikola Tesla)
- Alternative health.
- Marketing.
- Sales (Most things involve sales. You have to sell your children on doing their teeth).
- Finance and accounting.
- The mind control of television and the media (so they can think for themselves).
- Growing your own food / farming.
- Plumbing & electrician work (again, where the real money is).
- Having your own business.
- Travel.
- How to think for themselves.
- Useful information.
This is as opposed to work which just fills in time. This eventually produces lazy children who don’t know a whole lot, and who don’t want to do physical work or to think for themselves – they are waiting for somebody to come along and spoon feed them what to do with their life. I am not saying that all children end up this way, but if they don’t, it’s because of their parents, not because of anything they learned at school.
A crucial part to learning is being able to go at the speed that is right for you. Sometimes you need to slow down to fully understand something before you can move on to the next step. Sometimes you are way ahead of everyone else, and sitting around waiting for others to catch up is both time wasting and boring, which makes you less interested in the subject. Homeschooled children can go at exactly the pace that they need.
If your child is homeschooled they can pursue a great range of subjects, in addition to the core subjects. Why waste 12 years of life not learning a few new languages or some practical skills or trades in addition? Like:
- Spanish, French, Mandarin.
- How to build a house.
- How to look after cars.
- How to grow food.
- How to do whatever businesses the family is involved with.
- Cooking and preparing healthy food.
- Natural health techniques.
- Service projects to fulfill God’s work.
Homeschooling can be done for $200 – $900 a year. Although spending a bit more than this is better. Even if you send your child to a public school, there will still be expenses. And a top private school can cost $7,000 a year or a lot more.
But the real cost is that much of that money is not being spent efficiently. A school field trip that may cost you $80 may not be anywhere near as effective at producing long term results as a good curriculum or toy bought off the internet.
Remember, the library, and sharing with others, can provide a lot of material for free.
And you must consider the whole picture when working out the cost of education. For example, consider the cost of taxes and living in an expensive city. Moving to a smaller town where taxes and cost of living is less, and having the mother stay at home to homeschool, can save a lot of money because the mother no longer needs to pay taxes or gas money for the car or fancy clothes for work, or daycare and other expenses. In addition, she can do at home activities which save more money taxfree, like cooking the family’s food instead of buying packaged food, or growing food.
You may think that you can’t afford to homeschool, but I think that you can’t afford not to. Do you know of teenagers, or for that matter, 30 or 40 year olds, who are so poor at looking after themselves, that they have to come home and live with their parents? I sure know some. And I was like that for a while myself.
School, whether it is public or private, teaches a whole lot of extra things that you don’t want your children to learn, like:
- Wasting countless hours playing computer games.
- Being a consumer rather than a saver and investor.
- Spending money to keep up with everyone else – when the truth is that none of those people care about you, and one day after school you probably won’t see any of them ever again.
- Being lazy. After all, kids in school sit on their butts about six hours a day. And a lot of that time is spent staring off into space waiting for something to happen, or gossipping.
Manners are becoming rarer and rarer these days. And yet, good manners can still make a huge difference in whether a person is successful in life, or not. Children at school learn no manners, or pick up bad manners from their peers. This often means that they learn to be bullies or to be bullied.
Children who are homeschooled can learn and keep good manners. Which will make life more pleasant for you as well.
The information and materials that are available to homeschoolers are truly wonderful, and getting more wonderful every day. And thanks to the internet and www.ebay.com, they are easy to find, get reviews on, and buy either new or second hand.
Mean while, the level of accomplishments in public schools continues to decline. And the quality of most private schools is still not as good as what you can get as as a homeschooler. (See
Saxon Math and the “
Mathematical Reasoning” series for starters.)
The word is out – homeschoolers make better students and go on to make better workers. 3/4 of colleges have procedures for accepting homeschoolers, and many homeschoolers win scholarships. Harvard even has special admission offiers who attend homeschool conferences looking for applicants!
There are many young people who owe $20,000 – $100,000+ for college education, that they aren’t using because they can’t get a job anyway, or they have decided they would rather do something else. This is partly because, while jobs for college graduates have gone down, in all areas, college fees have risen by 600%! What a scam! You can’t even go bankrupt on a college debt! It will sure make it harder for these peope to get married.
How can schools train people for a time 10+ years in the future, when no one knows what the future holds?
This excellent article, “To College Grads: It’s A Different Economy”, shows that things will continue to get worse until at least 2017! Young people are going to need to have their wits about them to survive, and to survive well. Homeschooling gives them the time and resources to develop careers in unique niches that traditional schooling would not even consider.
Here’s another excellent article, “29 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education In America Is A Giant Money Making Scam”, that shows that the US Government is docking social security payments of people who are behind in college loan repayments. And that 70% of college students wish they had spent more time preparing for the real world, which is a lot easier if you are homeschooled.
The average student is lucky to receive one minute of individual attention in each lesson. When you homeschool, your children get all your attention. That makes a massive difference, especially for young children.
In public and private schools, each year each teacher has to learn the strengths and weaknesses of each child. That can take months before they teach them efficiently. In fact, they could easily miss something important. Otherwise how else do so many children end up being so clueless? You are the opposite. No one knows your child like you do. And when you teach them, instead of a stranger, no one will know what they need for their education better than you will.
Especially for young children, those weeks of summer holidays can mean that they forget a huge amount of what they learned. So the first weeks or more have to be spent re-learning stuff all over again. When you home school, you can keep doing a little work over the holidays so that your children just keep on getting further and further ahead of the group schooled children. Some homeschoolers are ready and accepted to go to college by 11 years old! I am not recommending this, because of the disparity in age, but then again – why not then do a college degree online then? Time is money. Every year out of the workforce means less money to that child later on. Or, they can spend that time doing something that is really important, perhaps something that is related to their
Life Purpose.
Most people have to move regularly these days, for all kinds of reasons, especially work. There’s an added stress in this if you have children because you only want to go where there are good schools for all of them, and that limits you a lot. Also, every time your children change school, their education suffers a lot. I know – my family spent a year in Europe when I was 14, and I lost some of my edge in maths because of that, even though I did correspondence maths while overseas.
When you homeschool, you can live anywhere, any time, and your child’s education will not be affected. Want to travel a lot? Want to live overseas to practise a new language? No problem! Want to live in the country or in a small town, where houses and other living expenses are a fraction of your present cost? Again, that’s possible when you homeschool.
When you homeschool, you are your children’s role model. When you give responsibility of their schooling to a group school, other people become their role models – including their peers, the parents of their peers, TV, pop stars and the military. Some extra work homeschooling could save you a lifetime of regret later on.
You can go faster or slower, depending on whatever your child needs and wants.
Homeschooled children are not exposed to a lot of extra diseases. Some exposure is good to toughen an immune system, but it is not natural for young children to be stuck in a room with 30 other children the same age for days on end.
Did you have any abusive teachers? Teachers who said, or thought of, mean things to you? Verbal abuse can be worse than physical abuse. I sure did, especially at the Catholic elementary school I went to. In any case, while many teachers are well meaning, always remember, they are not a saint. They are just a person collecting a paycheck. Why would you trust the most important thing in your life to a stranger? Especially for young children who have not yet learned how to defend themselves, or what is right and what is wrong.
The only reason why people continue to think that this is acceptable is because that is what was done to them. The time has come for us to think for ourselves and create improved ways of doing things.
There is a great range of things which a person needs in order to survive well in life, and most of them are not taught in school, such as business, manners, martial arts, ability to locate information etc. You have all the time to teach your child these. How to be the boss and the leader, not the follower, or a powerful, independent individual.
Public and private schools, on the other hand, teach children how to do menial jobs, working for the elite and their corporations (if they teach anything at all).
Two of the worst ingredients in vaccines are mercury and formaldehyde. There is no safe level for either of these poisons. Other vaccine ingredients that are related to obesity as well as major health problems are poisonous aluminum and MSG. You don’t want these poisons in food, so why do we put them into perfect little babies? Since the truth to this answer is so shocking I will get an expert, Dr. Len Horowitz, to tell you what the mainstream media will not.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. is a Harvard graduate, an internationally recognized authority in public health and a powerful public speaker. He was awarded “Author of the Year” award by the World Natural Health Organization. His best selling book,
Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident, or Intentional? is a must-read. This work is largely responsible for public health and vaccine policy changes in at least three Third World nations.
The following is just a very little of the essential information from the excellent CD by Dr. Horowitz that I cannot recommend more highly to absolutely everyone,
Horowitz on Vaccines: The risks of following your doctor’s advice may be deadly..
In 1986 Dr. Maurice Hilleman, Chief of the Merck Pharmaceutical Company’s vaccine division, and the world’s leading vaccine developer, was interviewed by WGBH, Boston’s famed public broadcasting station. The interview was never aired. On the CD you will actually hear Hilleman discuss the fact that the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines in the late 50s and early 60s were bothhideously contaminated with monkey viruses, much like they are today. The really weird thing about this interview is the laughter from those present at the shocking news. These people are not like you and me.Here are some brief, direct quotes from the radio interview: