February 28, 2014

Be Thankful You Are Homeschooled

Here are a few reasons why you should be thankful you are                                            homeschooled

If you are doubt, we are here for you. We believe you can. We KNOW you can. If you have questions, ideas, just need a friend. I am here. I will get back to you ASAP. I know you might be thinking"What a weirdo. This is probably all she does. ALL DAY." You are 98% Right. I am weird and the 2% I am not doing this, I am eating and sleeping. Anyway, if you don't want to talk you can read my rants and this little Pick-Me-Up Ok without further delay

  1. You get to look like homeless, and it is acceptable    :)
  2. You get to eat when ever you want!!!!  
  3. You are surrounded by people who love you!!
  4. you get to read the best blog ever... *me* awww thanks guys:)
  5. Choose What you learn
  6. Aren't around meany kids
  7. You can go to the bathroom without the 31 other people questioning how long you'e been in there
  8. You don't have to run the sink and blow dryer when you go to the bathroom(If you have ever been in public school, you will understand the "not letting people hear you pee" dilemma )
  9. You aren't infected with all the gross school germs. 
  10. You can get a head start on college!!
  11. Learn at the pace you want :)
  12. Listen to music while you learn(if your parents let you that is)
  13. Don't take a crazy amount of tests 
  14. Don't have kids or teachers breathing down your neck
  15. Probably don't have to wake up really early.(I had to be at the bus stop at 6:30 am. I still had to take and hour to get ready!! then get home at 5:00!!Then 2 hours of homework!!)
  16. Homework. Period the end
  17. Have cute pets all around you(if you have pets if not stuffed animals work like the kid above
  18. Zombies are Scared of Homeschoolers 
  19. Having more comfortable chairs. (I think school chairs are made out of dull knives. The should have an exercise bottom half of you breaks)
  20.                    THE BEST REASON


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