Sorry its been quite a while since posted, I got new software for my computer so its working now! Yay!! Ok so how was everyone's Christmas and New Years?! Mine was great (thanks for asking!), and I know that we all loved the break from schoolwork! It's been kinda hard to get back into the groove of the schedule again, and I feel like I have major jet lag -_-. Am I the only one?? Ok, since I have to make up for all the time I haven't posted anything I am going to start with tips on how to get back into the school groove! (and sorry, they are mostly heath tips... but that's where it all starts!)
- Sleep on a schedule
Even though you probably heard this before, it can never be too true. In order for your brain to get the rest it needs, you need to sleep on a schedule. If you go to sleep and wake up at different times (as homeschoolers, we tend to take advantage of those "extra morning sleep" hours;) your body feels like it needs to sleep light because it doesn't know when it should be asleep or awake. And as appealing as sleeping in on the weekends may sound, when you do, you are actually giving yourself a dose of home-made jet lag. If you stay up till 12 on Saturday, and wake up at 10 or 11 on Sunday, your body would feel the same as if you flew from California to New York! So if you get good zzz, your brain will be awake and healthy for those out-of-school hours;)
- Drink lots of water
If you want your brain to absorb all the information to pass that test, help you sleep, and can actually give you less acne?? Drink lots of water!
These two small things can seriously help turn your "day" into a "yay!"
That's all the "heath" tips that relate to helping you with homeschooling, sorry only two but hey! you can comment on this post so help us out!
Till next time!!
- Jenny Spark
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